Tuesday, September 23, 2014

DC Universe: The Animated Series Blog

Growing up in the 90's, I watched "Batman: The Animated Series" quite a bit. Back then, we didn't have the luxury of having digital video stores like iTunes, Vudu, and the like, so we would only be limited to the reruns shown on FOX and any episodes we happened to tape.

Recently, for nostalgic reasons, I downloaded and watched an episode of Batman: The Animated Series and was totally shocked as to how smart the episode was written and how engaging and entertaining it was. I watched another, and another, and another, and decided that since I was enjoying it so much, might as well go through the whole series. 

I decided that rather than watching the episodes by their air date, that I would follow it in Chronological Order. I sought many websites to locate the order, and found a list here:

Came to find out that it list an order for the "Superman: Animated Series" too! Perfect, because eventually, both series intertwine with one another. 

I decided to simply name this blog, "DC Universe: The Animated Series Blog". This will focus on Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series, The New Adventures of Batman and Robin, Justice League, and Justice League: Unlimited. It will also include it's movies as long as it's Canon with "The Animated Series" shows. 

I decided to write reviews for each episode in the "DC Universe: The Animated Series" and hope that this will help you locate specific episodes you remember, and/or which episodes you want to watch and which you should probably avoid. Also hope to throw in some episode trivia if available.

I'm doing this for fun, but if you'd like, check out links to review to the Episodes according to "Comic Book Movie's" Chronological order (p.s. I will arrange order as I see fit, but very minimally!)

**NOTE: These Pages will be updated regularly until this project is complete!!
                 ALSO, Plots taken from the IMDB website!

Season 1
The Cat and the Claw
I've Got Batman in my Basement
The Underdwellers
The Last Laugh
Prophecy of Doom
Night of the Ninja
Read my Lips
The Forgotten
See No Evil
It's Never Too Late
Appointment in Crime Alley

Season 2
On Leather Wings
Nothing to Fear
Mask of the Phantasm
Pretty Poison
Be a Clown
Beware the Gray Ghost
The Joker's Favor
Two-Face, Part 1
Cat Scratch Fever
The Clock King
Moon of the Wolf
The Laughing Fish
Two-Face, Part 2
Blind as a Bat
Fear of Victory
If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich?
Day of the Samurai
Eternal Youth
The Strange Secret of Bruce Wayne

The Cape and the Cowl Conspiracy


Original Air Date: October 14, 1992
Written by: Elliot S. Maggin
Directed by: Frank Paur


* The Interrogator

   Real Name: Josiah Wormwood
   Comic Debut: None
   Other Episodes: None


A master designer of deathtraps is hired to take Batman's cowl and cape.

Stuff To Watch For

05:08mins- I knew Batman was strong, but whoa!!
05:53mins- Who would have a better friend than those suspenders in a moment like this?
09:00mins- Leave it to Batman to keep us guessing
16:15mins- Tim Allen??
19:38mins- Because everyone was sick of the traditional swords fights.. I guess


"Look up 'slippery' in the dictionary and you get Josiah Wormwood"- Commissioner Gordon

"I want information from you. By the way, I hope you're not afraid of heights" - Batman

"Got a new toy I see" - Batman (regarding Bat-signal)

"Will you tell me why you wanted Batman's Cape and Cowl? Finally?!" - The Interrogator


* First ever appearance of the Bat-signal
* Only episode with The Interrogator
* Based on "The Cape and the Cowl Death Trap!" (Detective Comics #450, August 1975), also written by Elliot S. Maggin.

My Two Cents

The only beef I really had with this episode is the fact that The Interrogator was a very similar Character to The Riddler. Even at his introduction I thought I was watching an episode with the Riddler being the Villian. BUT, the story kept me engaged and I was satisfied by the end of the episode. That twist though, I didn't see it coming!!